My take-on with i3 window manager in Fedora Linux
Against all odds in graphical interface for keyboard junkies
For minimalism and keyboard-driven workflow on a laptop, I love the i3 tiling window manager that is lightweight and splits windows vertically and horizontally by keybindings. i3 helps a simple way to work with documentation, web browsing, terminal and text editor.
For out-of-the-box experience without layering on desktop environment, I install Fedora i3 Spin. Here are a few settings tweaked to my preference;
- Install slick-greeter and xrdb
- Enable and restart lightdm (display manager) to relogin: login screen looks cool
Terminal emulators
I use GUI for basic settings. The terminal is for ssh, fine-tuning system, and advanced configuration.
I settled in with GNOME Terminal and urxvt. The latter comes with i3 Spin. It requires editing a text file in ~/.Xresources
GNOME Terminal
GNOME terminal reminds me of the age-old cliché: ‘it just works.’
A minimalist GNOME Terminal set-up is;
- Set custom keyboard shortcuts: ctrl + alt + t
- Pimp bash prompt with Powerline: Source from Fedora Magazine
sudo dnf install powerline powerline-fonts
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Add the following lines to .bashrc
if [ -f `which powerline-daemon` ]; then
powerline-daemon -q
. /usr/share/powerline/bash/
- Custom font: Liberation mono 11
- Colours: Tango Dark
- Transparent background
- Solarized palette
- Hide menubar
urxvt Terminal
If I’m on i3, I alternate between two colour themes for urxvt terminal.
Blue theme
Rather than reinventing the wheel, I used the configuration template from Fedora Pagure code hosting system. Get git repo from here. It’s freaking sweet. See below from i3 SIG.
Pink theme
I use pink themed urxvt config file downloaded from Github and reload Xresources.
Text editors pairing with terminal
A choice of text editors is a highly subjective and controversial field. There are no right default settings for text editors. My preference depends on what system I’m using locally and connecting remotely. But, I can’t deny I have a preference — gedit when I’m on local computer (GNOME desktop). If remote computers, vi (vim) all the way.
- gedit or mousepad: GUI-based. Usual copy and paste (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) muscle memory works.
- nano or vi: Command line editing. Managing files (merge, replace and more) with the fewest number of keystrokes. vi/vim may be the only option when you work with remote server and cloud VM.
That’s it for now. Thanks for browsing!