dnfdragora experience with the Fedora Spins

Graphical software manager in Xfce, KDE, and LXQt

Behind a Tinkerer
4 min readJan 1, 2023

A vast majority of documentation and video tutorials on Linux focuses on command line workflow to manage software.

A few days after desktop-hopping from GNOME to KDE and Xfce (Fedora Spins) during winter holiday, dnfdragora, front-end of dnf package manager, caught my attention. The Fedora Xfce, KDE, and LXQt Spins come with dnfdragora pre-installed.

Search, enable or disable repository

On the menu line, go to File and select Repositories to search repositories.

Searching repository works the same as you type in the following command.

$ sudo dnf repolist
// display enabled repositories only

$ sudo dnf repolist all
// list even disabled repositories

Select the tick box for repository you select (Example: updates-testing) and click Apply to enable the repository using repository management UI.

dnfdragora repo

Enabling repository can be done by the following command.

$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled…



Behind a Tinkerer

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